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Children & Young People

Children and young people should be able to access counselling or support when THEY need to and not because they are made to do so.  There is a misconception that the counsellor has to report back to the parent, guardian or carer but this is not always the case.  Of course, there are rules and guidelines to follow but most parents, guardians or carers understand that talking to someone confidentially outside of the family or friend group can benefit the person. 


If you are feeling sad, angry or confused about something, talking with someone can really help make sense of what is troubling you.  You can talk about anything - It might be exam worries, problems at home or school, bullying, boyfriend/girlfriend trouble, sexuality, or loss of a loved one. You won’t be told what to do, criticised or judged in any way. It is about helping you to help yourself.

Counselling is confidential.  No one will know what you talk about unless you want them to or you disclose something that is unsafe or could put you in danger or harm you.  If you are under 18 there will have to be an agreement with your parent, guardian or carer to attend counselling. You would be seen on your own for up to 60 minutes depending upon your emotional wellbeing.

Information for Parents/Carers/Guardians

Children and young people will need the agreement of their parent, carer or guardian to attend counselling. You will both attend the meet and greet session and thereafter the young person would be seen on their own.  If during a session your child is becoming too emotionally overwhelmed and continuing with that session would not be beneficial to them or compromise their well-being it may be necessary to end that particular session early.  


A three-way contract and confidentiality agreement will be discussed in the meet and greet session.


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